November 2022 Traffic Update

HGC Engineering completed the LCA’s traffic noise study along Glenmore Trail in early September. The results show an increase in traffic noise at all 3 locations from 1-7 dBA during the 7-day measurement period (see map and chart below). The peak noise (L10) levels at each location for the Ladbrooke, Lockinvar and Lathom properties were 64.1, 67.8 and 62.7 dBA respectively. This compares with the peak noise measurements from our 2016 study of 62.7, 61.2 and 60.5 dBA recorded at the same 3 locations.

37 St SW Traffic Circle Construction Update

  • Construction started around the 37 St SW traffic circle this week (September 12) and is expected to continue into October. This will result in lane restrictions and possible full closure of the south side of the traffic circle to 58 Ave. Please watch the electronic signs for more details, reduce speed and obey all construction personnel directing traffic.
  • Also, drivers please be aware that construction vehicles are moving through the intersection of Grey Eagle Drive and 37 St SW/Grey Eagle Boulevard and yield appropriately.

October 2022 Traffic Update

Lakeview residents may have noticed when driving on southbound Sarcee Trail to eastbound Glenmore Trail, the access road onto 37 St SW has been permanently closed. An explanation from Alberta Transportation on why this happened, has been copied below.

The ongoing construction of the barrier on eastbound Glenmore Trail is part of completion of the Southwest Calgary Ring Road and aligns with the design for access in this area as approved by the City of Calgary as part of the community development plan for Lakeview.

During construction of the project, temporary access from southbound Sarcee to eastbound Glenmore Trail to 37th Street SW was provided to facilitate improved community access while the work continued.

Now that access is available at Tsuut’ina Parkway, vehicles going southbound on Sarcee Trail can access Lakeview via the new interchange at Tsuut’ina Parkway. Alternatively, drivers from southbound Sarcee Trail could also choose to go to Crowchild Trail to access Lakeview. And a third option is for vehicles to exit southbound Sarcee Trail onto Westhills Way, navigate through the roundabouts and onto eastbound Glenmore Trail to then exit at 37th Street SW.

Elimination of the temporary access and accompanying weave pattern allows the speed limit on the flyover ramp from Sarcee Trail to eastbound Glenmore to be posted at 80 km/hour rather than the 60 km/hour limit posted during construction.”

Other updates:

  • The Glenmore Trail Noise Study will be completed by the end of September. There was a delay due to an equipment malfunction at one of the locations causing the final data collection to be pushed back to early September. A summary of the study will be shared with community members in the November News & Views, on the LCA website and at our AGM on September 27.
  • KGL (Ring Road project manager), has confirmed that there will be ongoing construction throughout September/October 2022 around the 37 St SW traffic circle including installation of a retaining wall and sidewalk improvements on the east side of 37 St SW (south of the traffic circle).
  • On August 30 from 7:30 to 8:30am, CPS Officer Richard Wall hosted a speed watch at 63 Ave SW playground zone. During this time, 101 vehicles were counted and 15 vehicles were speeding or 15% of the total number. The highest recorded speed was 54 km/h. Remember, if a vehicle hits a pedestrian at 30 km/h, they have a 5% fatality rate, whereas if a vehicle hits a pedestrian at 70 km/h, they have a 95% fatality rate. For the safety of all Lakeview residents, please slow down!
  • The traffic committee has a sandwich sign on loan from the City of Calgary that says ‘Residential Area – Drive Safely’. If you would like to have this sign for a one-week period to place outside your home, please send an email to [email protected].

If you have any traffic concerns or questions, please send an email to [email protected].

Stay safe this fall!

Lakeview Ring Road Construction Update

  • KGL has confirmed that there will be ongoing construction throughout August/September 2022 around the 37 St SW traffic circle including pathway realignment, tree removal, installation of a retaining wall and sidewalk improvements on south side of the circle.
  • Also, drivers please be aware that construction vehicles are moving through the intersection of Grey Eagle Drive and 37 St SW/Grey Eagle Boulevard and yield appropriately.

July 2022 Traffic Update

Here are some areas of concern that the traffic committee has been working on:

  • HGC Engineering will be in the field at three locations in Lakeview from May 31 – June 7 to collect traffic noise data from Glenmore Trail SW on behalf of the Lakeview Community Association. A summary of their report will be shared with community members in the October News & Views, on the LCA website and at our AGM on September 28. A big thank you to the 3 households that allowed this monitoring to take place on their properties!
  • The City of Calgary has confirmed that vehicle traffic counts will be taken on 58 Ave, 54 Ave and 37 St in September or October 2022. This will allow the LCA to understand how the traffic flow has changed in our neighbourhood with the addition of the 37 St SW traffic circle.
  • On May 17 from 7:30 to 10:00am, CPS Officer Richard Wall hosted a speed watch on 58 Ave and 37 St to determine how many vehicles were speeding along those roads. In the 58 Ave playground zone (by Connect Charter School) 190 vehicles passed by this location and 23 vehicles were speeding or 12% of the total vehicles. On 37 St (just south of 61 Ave), 40 vehicles passed by and 5 vehicles were speeding or 13% of the total vehicles. All of these 5 speeding vehicles were driven by Lakeview residents and one vehicle was clocked at 76 km/h! If a vehicle hits a pedestrian at 30 km/h, they have a 5% fatality rate, whereas if a vehicle hits a pedestrian at 70 km/h, they have a 95% fatality rate. For the safety of all Lakeview residents, please slow down!
  • One of the main concerns I hear about is Calgary Transit, school buses, garbage trucks and delivery vehicles speeding throughout Lakeview. I can say from conducting 4 speed watches with Officer Wall over the past 2 years, that we have not observed any of these vehicles to be exceeding the speed limit to warrant a speeding ticket. The confusion lies in that many residents assume that a loud vehicle is a speeding vehicle and that is usually not the case with trucks or buses. These vehicles lack the noise mitigation equipment that most cars and SUVs have to baffle their engine/exhaust noise and therefore you think that these vehicles are speeding due to this excessive noise when, more likely, they are not.
  • The traffic committee has a sandwich sign on loan from the City of Calgary that says ‘Residential Area – Drive Safely’. If you would like to have this sign for a one-week period to place outside your home, please send an email to [email protected].
  • Some clarifications on where vehicles are permitted and not permitted to do U-turns:
    • A U-turn is permitted at an intersection when it can be made safely and without impeding traffic.
    • A U-turn is not permitted at an intersection with a traffic signal, a no U-turn sign, on a curve or on any road between intersections.

If you have any traffic concerns or questions, please send an email to [email protected].

Stay safe this summer!

Safety Tips from the City of Calgary (from City of Calgary website)

Tips for Motorists

  • ​Stop for all pedestrians crossing in a crosswalk – it’s the law.
  • Ensure proper visibility of your vehicle.
  • Drive at a safe speed and be aware of pedestrian activity around you.
  • Never pass a vehicle at a crosswalk.
  • Wait until the pedestrian has completely cleared the intersection before proceeding.
  • Make eye contact.
  • When turning left at an intersection, check to your left to make sure there are no pedestrians.
  • Don’t park within five metres of a marked crosswalk or intersection.
  • When turning right, check both ways to ensure there are no pedestrians nearby.

Tips for Pedestrians

  • Ensure you are crossing the street safely.
  • Make eye contact with the driver of vehicles at or near the intersection before crossing
  • Use the Point, Pause and Proceed method to make motorists aware you are trying to cross the street.
  • Wear light-coloured clothing and reflective devices so you are visible to motorists.
  • Never cross the street at mid-block or against a signal.
  • Research indicates that children under the age of nine should always be accompanied by a responsible adult or older child.

October 2021 Traffic Update

Here’s an update on some of the traffic issues affecting Lakeview residents:

  • Effective May 31, 2021, the city has lowered residential speed limits to 40km/h from the current speed of 50km/h.  The roads that are not affected by this change and will remain at 50km/h are 37 St, 66 Ave, 63 Ave, 58 Ave, Lakeview Drive and Crowchild Trail as these roads are designated as collector roads by the city.  Playground zones still remain in effect at 30 km/h, 7 days a week between 7:30-21:00 regardless of the new speed limits.
  • The construction of the missing sound wall behind the Boardwalk Apartments/Lakeview Baptist Church is complete. No improvements will be made to the existing sound wall at this time.
  • Construction has begun on the upgrade of the intersection of 37 St SW and 66 Ave SW.  The improvements will include a new all-way stop at this intersection with a crosswalk (no crosswalk lights) across the north side of 66 Ave SW with curb cuts and a short sidewalk on the west side of 37 St SW (heading south) connecting to the North Glenmore Park pathway.  This will improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists using this intersection.
  • Adaptive Roadway along Crowchild Trail SW (south of 66Ave SW to North Glenmore Park entrance) was installed in early August.  The city put in some permanent access ramps at the north side and south side of the roadway and make several access points for Lakeview Village residents to access the roadway directly.  The only outstanding item for the city, is placing two signs, one at each end of the roadway directing pedestrian traffic on the existing sidewalk and cyclists on the roadway. This roadway will remain in place over the winter to evaluate its usage over this time.
  • SLOW trailers (which tell drivers to slow down) will be located throughout our neighbourhood during the fall to remind drivers to reduce speed in our playground zones.  This is especially important at this time of year when our daylight hours are decreasing.

There was an incorrect statement in the last traffic update about the timing of the traffic lights at the intersection of Grey Eagle Drive and 37 St SW and 37 St SW and Glenmore Trail.  These lights are controlled by the province and not the city of Calgary.  So, any concerns about the lights can be passed onto our MLA and our traffic email.

For speeding concerns (like street racing on Glenmore Trail), please contact the Calgary Police Service on their non-emergency line: 403-266-1234 or submit a traffic service request (TSR) on their website.

If you have any Lakeview traffic questions or to submit feedback about the adaptive roadway, please email [email protected].

Traffic Update

Here’s an update on some of the traffic issues affecting Lakeview residents:

  • The city has confirmed that 2 permanent Engine Brake Prohibited signs will be posted on Glenmore Trail SW between 37 St SW and Crowchild Trail SW.  These signs will allow the Calgary Police Service to enforce this prohibition with fines.  They should be in place by end of May.
  • The construction of the missing sound wall behind the Boardwalk Apartments/Lakeview Baptist Church will start in May and be completed in July.  On completion, Lakeview will have a continuous sound wall along Glenmore Trail from 37 St SW bridge to Crowchild Trail SW bridge. No improvements will be made to the existing sound wall at this time.
  • The city has committed to a Glenmore Trail Noise Study for Lakeview with the completion of the Southwest Ring Road construction.  This is scheduled for summer of 2022.
  • The first step in the upgrade of the intersection of 37 St SW and 66 Ave SW is for the city to conduct a traffic count of vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists.  This is scheduled for May/June 2021.
  • Effective May 31, 2021, the city has lowered residential speed limits to 40km/h from the current speed of 50km/h.  The roads that are not affected by this change and will remain at 50km/h are 37 St, 66 Ave, 63 Ave, 58 Ave, Lakeview Drive and Crowchild Trail as these roads are designated as collector roads by the city.  Playground zones still remain in effect at 30 km/h, 7 days a week between 7:30-21:00 regardless of the new speed limits (see Ward11-map).

If you have any Lakeview traffic questions or concerns, please email [email protected].

Traffic Update – June 5

Hello Lakeview Members,

Please see below message and attachments regarding traffic changes at the Lakeview roundabout at Grey Eagle and 37th Street SW.  Traffic changes to begin on June 8th.  More information can be found here:

We are gearing up to complete the work on building the final Lakeview roundabout and parking area. We would like to begin construction activity in the beginning of June, and are expecting to be wrapped up on July 6th 2020.

In order to maintain access to the Lakeview community while we complete this tie-in work, we are proposing a two-phase shut down of part of the roundabout access. The first phase would close the North portion of the round-about up to 54th Ave SW. Traffic would be detoured South to 58th Ave to get into the community. During the second phase, we would close the South portion of the round-about up to 58th Ave SW. In the second phase, traffic would be detoured to 54th ave to get through. Each phase is excepted to take two-weeks to complete the subgrade, electrical, and final curb, gutter, and paving.

We are hoping that we can work together to ensure there is a minimal impact to the community while construction takes place. I have attached our proposed detour route and VMB (Variable Messaging Boards)  plan for each phase for you to review and comment on. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns with this proposed detour.

Kind Regards,

Cassandra Carvalho | Public Relations Manager

O: (403) 724-2767

C: (780) 236-2193

Thank you,

Your Lakeview Community Association

Aug 9 – Traffic Updates this Weekend

Project update – August 9, 2019​

For regular updates on traffic information and lane closures for projects under construction in the southwest, click here.

Glenmore Trail

Crews are currently working on the eventual eastbound lanes.

Crowchild Trail

Crews are focused on the widening of Crowchild Trail to the west.

A major milestone was reached for the 54 Avenue S.W. pedestrian bridge project, as crews moved and installed the bridge truss over Crowchild Trail. Watch the video of the move and installation of the bridge truss. Work is progressing toward bridge completion, and once the new bridge is open the existing bridge will be demolished to allow for the widening of Crowchild Trail.

See more details about this new bridge