January 28, 2020
6:00pm – 8:00pm
5336 Lakeview Drive SW (Located within the Lakeview Baptist Church)

Our Open House is a great opportunity for prospective parents and students (children born in 2016 and 2017) to tour the preschool and meet our teachers.  Board Members will also be available to  answer any questions and provide additional insight into the benefits of community preschool.

For more information about the preschool and to obtain the full registration package please visit the Lakeview Community Website:

For registration inquiries please contact Courtney Joseph, Registrar at [email protected] or 403-542-8158.

Rink Volunteer Information Night – Dec 19

Lakeview Community Rink Volunteering Information

Winter has been a bit late to start this year it seems, but the rink should be up and running by the time this newsletter hits your door.  It will be very interesting to see how the new concrete pad works for flooding and ice maintenance.  We should be able to get the ice in quickly once it actually gets cold enough.   

We will be holding a rink volunteer information evening just before Christmas, just after this newsletter is delivered – Thursday December 19th at 7:00 in the field house meeting room.  Please come out and meet some of the other volunteers and learn how you can help keep our rinks in great shape this winter. 

Here are some tips and things to consider if you want to help out:

  • Regular Flooding Times – Similar to last year, we are planning to have some regular clearing and flooding times when volunteers can drop by and help out – if you are a new volunteer, these are good times to learn the details of how we do it and the tips to keeping the rink as nice as we can all year (times are approximate).  These may change depending on volunteers this year but we will keep a sign posted with any updated days/times on the field house changeroom door:
    • Thursday evening 8:00 – 10:00 pm
    • Sunday morning 8:00 – 10:00 am
    • Monday and/or Tuesday mornings – a group of retiree’s make this happen and do it many other days as required or when we have a snowfall to clear
    • Additional days and times can be set up if we have more volunteers
  • Evening Lock Up of Change Room – We have a few volunteers who help to lock up the field house change room every evening around 10:00 pm – they can always use more help with this so if you live near the rink and can help please contact us.  We will especially need help over the holidays when some regular volunteers are away – specifically December 21st to January 5th.
  • Clearing and Flooding tips – There will be a selection of shovels and scrapers out for cleaning ice between flooding times.  Please try to also shovel the snow over the boards if you push it to the edge of the rink.  A clean edge next the boards makes for much more enjoyable hockey, but it is easily messed up with snow that ices up.  Once that happens it’s very difficult to fix and typically messes up edges for the rest of the season.
  • Snowfall clean-up – Whenever we get a dump of snow we need help getting the rinks cleared and the more help the better.  This is when it’s best to drop down that evening or the next morning to help anyone working on that.
  • Safety – The brushes and snow blower equipment we have for clearing the rinks needs to be used with care and awareness of any kids that might be trying to use the rink at the same time.  Please ask kids to wait till the job is done or to use the rink not being worked on.  Also, please be sure to fill the gas tanks outside of the storage shed.  Any gasoline fumes resulting from spills in the storage room can spread throughout the field house and can make the rest of the space unusable.
  • Equipment use and care – If you are not familiar with the equipment and the flooding hose, please join some regular volunteers to learn how to use the equipment properly.  We rely on the equipment for a very short season and need them operational for the entire time.
  • Flooding – There are a number of tricks to making the ice decent for skating and hockey.  We have some good detailed notes available to share if you contact us.  It’s always good to learn while doing by joining one of our regular volunteer crews.

Thanks to everyone who helps to make our rinks fun and in good shape for our community.  Please feel free to contact me (John Evans) for more information or if you want to be added to our volunteer roster – my contact information is [email protected] or cell 403-700-1040.

LCA Community Ski Shuttle

The LCA community is exploring the opportunity of organizing a ski trip to Lake Louise, and you are invited to provide your opinion. The ski trip would include a bus ride from Lakeview to Lake Louise and return, private lounge at the Lake Louise ski resort, morning snack and lunch. 

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Cookies with Santa

In partnership with the Lakeview Community Association, join us for our free annual event featuring cookie decorating and photos with Santa! Have a coffee or hot chocolate and visit with Santa and your neighbours. After the event, take a stroll through the craft market featuring over 50 local vendors with handmade, unique items.

10-11:30am at the North Glenmore Park Community Association; 2231 Longridge Dr. SW.

A special thank you to the Lakeview IGA for donating the cookies and icing!

Volunteers are needed to make this event a success. Please click here to sign-up for a short shift:
Youth volunteers are welcome!

For more details, please call 403-246-4243 or email [email protected]

Glenmore Trail/Crowchild Tr Interchange – Nov 19

As part of the Glenmore Trail/Crowchild Tr Interchange Improvements project, a guide sign is scheduled to be installed across Crowchild Tr between Glenmore Trail and 54 Avenue S.W. this coming Saturday November 23, 2019 (see attached notice). This work will be carried out during night time hours and will require a full closure of Crowchild Trail in both the northbound and southbound directions between Glenmore Trail and Mt. Royal Gate/50 Avenue SW interchange from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m. Also, in preparation of the work this Saturday, single lane closures in the northbound and southbound directions will be in effect during night time from Wednesday November 20 to Friday November 22 between the hours of 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.

Detour signs and digital message boards will be on site informing motorist of the closure and detour routes.

Click here to view City of Calgary traffic notice

LCA Opposition on the Calgary Transit Bus Route Change from 37th St. to 34th St.

There is a proposed bus route change that will have the City of Calgary bus route coming north on 34th street SW instead of 37th street SW between 66th Ave SW and 58th Ave SW. This route goes through playground zones and past a very busy school area that has students from all over the city attend so traffic and congestion is an issue at that location. 37th street SW has no playground zones or school areas. The bus route was moved from 34th street SW to 37th street SW in 1977 because of the effort of Lakeview residents. Lakeview residents need to come together again to oppose the change back onto 34th street SW. Jeromy Farkas our councillor is making a motion to oppose this change so he needs the support of the residents to help push it through.

On September 21, 2019 the LCA officially sent a letter to our ward 11 councillor, Jeromy Farkas opposing the Calgary City Transit proposal to change route 47, 18, and 63. Link to the pdf attached to this email.

Jeromy, quickly and formally acknowledged his agreement with our stance. There have been several discussions determining what priorities that need to be made. We have agreed that the highest priority is to oppose the move of the bus route from 37th to 34th. The contact information from the individuals working on Jeromy’s team is at the bottom of the page. ( [email protected] )

Click here to complete the online petition

Jeromy is preparing to make a motion in City Council on November 18th. 

There are two things that become urgent on this date.

a) As many people as possible attend the City Council meeting demonstrating our opposition to the proposed bus route change from 37th to 34th. Time to be determined. When this Date and Time is confirmed we will share here on the website and through our social media channels (facebook, instagram and twitter)

b) As many people as possible sign a petition opposing the proposed bus route change from 37th to 34th. Petition documentation and canvasser instructions are linked below.  People can canvas on their own or sign at the LCA office. This paperwork must be signed and delivered by noon November 18th to the Lakeview Community Centre. ( 6110, 34th Street, Calgary, Alberta, AVB T3E 5L6 )

Petition Documents

Jeromy Farkas Team Contact Info 
Lindsay Seewalt
Communications Assistant
Councillor Jeromy Farkas – Ward 11
Office of the Councillors, The City of Calgary 
T 403.268.2495| F 403.268.3823 |W
PO Box 2100, Stn M | Mail code #8001| Calgary, AB T2P 3M5

Chris Carlile 
Chief of Staff 
Councillor Jeromy Farkas – Ward 11
Office of the Councillors, The City of Calgary 
T 403.268.5056| F 403.268.3823 |W
PO Box 2100, Stn M | Mail code #8001| Calgary, AB T2P 3M5

Petition Timeline

Timeline of activities this year regarding the Calgary Transit proposed changes and the involvement of the LCA.

March 2019
Calgary Transit introduced proposed modifications to combine Route 18, 63 and 47 into a new Route 66

June 2019
Calgary Transit provides 3 open houses to solicit feedback on the proposed modifications.

August 2019
Calgary Transit Publish the results of the feedback collected during the open houses. There is a large body of feedback from Lakeview opposing the changes.

September 2019
LCA formally communicates to Ward 11 Councillor Jeromy Farkas opposing the changes. Specifically, the most opposition is the movement of all the routes from travelling on 37th Street to travelling on 34th Street and 58th Avenue in Lakeview.

October 2019
Jeromy Farkas meets with the Director of Calgary Transit, twice, forwarding the concerns of the Lakeview residents. Two times Calgary Transit directors indicate that they will be moving forward with their plans. This communicated to the LCA.

October – November 2019
Jeromy Farkas formulates an official motion at city council to be presented on November 18. The LCA is requested to provide feedback and support of this motion. This will be done with a petition and physical attendance at the City Council meeting.

Lakeview Community Rink Upgrade

The final phase of the Lakeview Community Rink is underway.

As temperatures begin to drop we’ll soon be looking for rink volunteers to help flood, sweep and maintain the rink for the winter season. Stay tuned…