Energy Efficient Future Workshop

Join Lakeview Community Association and Green Calgary for a free workshop on home energy efficiency.

June 7, 2022

7:00 – 8:00pm

LCA Main Hall

6110 34 Street SW

During this 1-hour workshop, we will discuss:

·         The impacts of home energy use, water consumption and waste

·         Understanding your utility bill

·         Tracking home energy use

·         Choosing energy efficient actions for your home

You’ll be provided with a free Home Action Plan workbook to get you started! For more information on the program visit

Please RSVP to attend the event.  The event can be attended in person or online virtually


October 2021 Traffic Update

Here’s an update on some of the traffic issues affecting Lakeview residents:

  • Effective May 31, 2021, the city has lowered residential speed limits to 40km/h from the current speed of 50km/h.  The roads that are not affected by this change and will remain at 50km/h are 37 St, 66 Ave, 63 Ave, 58 Ave, Lakeview Drive and Crowchild Trail as these roads are designated as collector roads by the city.  Playground zones still remain in effect at 30 km/h, 7 days a week between 7:30-21:00 regardless of the new speed limits.
  • The construction of the missing sound wall behind the Boardwalk Apartments/Lakeview Baptist Church is complete. No improvements will be made to the existing sound wall at this time.
  • Construction has begun on the upgrade of the intersection of 37 St SW and 66 Ave SW.  The improvements will include a new all-way stop at this intersection with a crosswalk (no crosswalk lights) across the north side of 66 Ave SW with curb cuts and a short sidewalk on the west side of 37 St SW (heading south) connecting to the North Glenmore Park pathway.  This will improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists using this intersection.
  • Adaptive Roadway along Crowchild Trail SW (south of 66Ave SW to North Glenmore Park entrance) was installed in early August.  The city put in some permanent access ramps at the north side and south side of the roadway and make several access points for Lakeview Village residents to access the roadway directly.  The only outstanding item for the city, is placing two signs, one at each end of the roadway directing pedestrian traffic on the existing sidewalk and cyclists on the roadway. This roadway will remain in place over the winter to evaluate its usage over this time.
  • SLOW trailers (which tell drivers to slow down) will be located throughout our neighbourhood during the fall to remind drivers to reduce speed in our playground zones.  This is especially important at this time of year when our daylight hours are decreasing.

There was an incorrect statement in the last traffic update about the timing of the traffic lights at the intersection of Grey Eagle Drive and 37 St SW and 37 St SW and Glenmore Trail.  These lights are controlled by the province and not the city of Calgary.  So, any concerns about the lights can be passed onto our MLA and our traffic email.

For speeding concerns (like street racing on Glenmore Trail), please contact the Calgary Police Service on their non-emergency line: 403-266-1234 or submit a traffic service request (TSR) on their website.

If you have any Lakeview traffic questions or to submit feedback about the adaptive roadway, please email [email protected].