Get yours now – “I ❤️ Lakeview” socks are now sold out. Thank you to everyone who helped by purchasing theirs

“I ❤️ Lakeview” Socks

Good for your feet.

Good for our community.

All proceeds go towards renovating our tennis courts and Main Hall building. Please consider supporting this important initiative and have Lakeview at your feet.

Stay tuned for more Lakeview Swag. 

Pick up and/or drop off will be arranged after you place your order.  Please contact Nadia during office hours at 403-242-8660 to make arrangements.


Until December 19, 2023

Donate cash or gift cards to local families in need.

The Lakeview Community Association and Jennie Elliott School Parent Council are joining together to support local families.

Help support vulnerable Lakeview families by dropping off cash or gift cards to the LCA Office.

Gift cards empower parents and caregivers to buy what they need for their families to get through the holiday season.

Any amount helps to make a difference.


Lakeview Community Association

6110 34 Street SW Monday – Thursday 9:30am – 2:30pm

December Traffic Update

As winter weather will have arrived by the time that you read this newsletter, its important for Lakeview residents to adjust their driving for the current weather conditions. As our roads become icy this winter, remember to decrease your vehicle speed which also decreases your braking distance to come to a stop. After our first snowfall, I watched numerous vehicles slide through the 3-way stop at Lakeview Dr and Lancaster Way SW as these drivers were travelling too fast to be able to safely stop due to the icy conditions.

Here are some updates from the traffic committee:

  • On October 11, I spent an hour with a Calgary Police officer from the Residential Safety Traffic Unit monitoring the intersection of 37 St & 66 Ave SW for vehicles not stopping at the all-way stop. Over that time, this officer gave out 5 tickets of $405 and 3 demerit points to drivers for failing to stop at a marked intersection. Please remember to come to a complete stop at this intersection (all ways), especially if pedestrians are present, as the fine rises to $810 and 4 demerit points in that case.
  • The speed limit on Lakeview Drive has been reduced from 50km/h to 40km/h. Please adjust your speed accordingly.
  • The Crowchild Bridge Rehabilitation Project over Glenmore Trail has been completed. Thanks to all Lakeview residents for their patience over the past 6 months!
  • For speeding concerns, please contact the Calgary Police Service on their non-emergency line: 403-266-1234 or submit a traffic service request (TSR) on their website.

If you have any traffic concerns or questions, please send an email to [email protected].

Crowchild Bridge rehabilitation starts in April

The City of Calgary has let us know that they will begin bridge rehabilitation work starting in April: 

As part of The City’s bridge rehabilitation program, we are rehabilitating the Crowchild bridge that runs over Glenmore Trail to improve the condition of the bridge and extend the structure’s service-life by approximately 30 years. This work will include general concrete repairs as well as improvements to active modes of transportation for pedestrians and cyclists by creating a multi-use pathway on one side of the bridge. We will also enhance crosswalk markings located at the north and south intersections of the bridge to help improve visibility and accessibility. Lastly, this project provides an opportunity to improve traffic signal placement through life-cycle work.  

Construction is anticipated to start in April of 2023 with substantial completion later in Fall of 2023. During construction, there may be delays due to reduced and/or closed lanes. We will make every effort to limit impacts on traffic; however, commuters are advised to expect delays and use alternate routes when possible. It is anticipated that pedestrian and cyclist access will be maintained throughout construction. 

Please feel free to review the project web page at for the most up to date information regarding the project, traffic impacts and a link to subscribe to receive newsletter updates.

63 Ave Speed Limit Change

Effective immediately, the speed limit on 63 Ave SW (between Lakeview Drive and Crowchild Trail) has been reduced from 50 km/h to 40km/h, outside of the playground zone. The playground zone speed limit remains at 30km/h from 7:30-21:00 hours (7 days a week).

Please slow down and watch for pedestrians and cyclists in this area.

Soccer Information-2023 Registration

Lakeview Community has been organizing a long and successful youth soccer program for many years. The focus is on fun and participation for all. It is a fantastic way to get your kids active plus it is a chance for children and parents alike to connect and re-connect with old and new friends in our fantastic community. All are welcome and encouraged to join. The season is approximately eight weeks long (mid-April to mid-June) with two sessions per week. The fee is $70 per child and a Lakeview Community Association family membership is required.

This year, Lakeview will be offering 4 full mixed age group programs.  The U6, U10 and U13’s will play on Mondays and Wednesdays while the U8s will play on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The emphasis is always on fun and providing a positive social experience through this great sport.

Registration and more information can be found at:

Please let us know if you have any questions – Nadia at [email protected], Robyn Calvert or Andy Baxter at [email protected].

See you at the pitch!!


Deerfoot Inn & Casino (SE)



Funds raised at this casino will go to maintaining the LCA buildings and grounds, ice rinks, tennis courts, playgrounds, and capital expenses.


To sign up:

or email [email protected]

or call 403-242-8660

November 2022 Traffic Update

HGC Engineering completed the LCA’s traffic noise study along Glenmore Trail in early September. The results show an increase in traffic noise at all 3 locations from 1-7 dBA during the 7-day measurement period (see map and chart below). The peak noise (L10) levels at each location for the Ladbrooke, Lockinvar and Lathom properties were 64.1, 67.8 and 62.7 dBA respectively. This compares with the peak noise measurements from our 2016 study of 62.7, 61.2 and 60.5 dBA recorded at the same 3 locations.

July 2022 Traffic Update

Here are some areas of concern that the traffic committee has been working on:

  • HGC Engineering will be in the field at three locations in Lakeview from May 31 – June 7 to collect traffic noise data from Glenmore Trail SW on behalf of the Lakeview Community Association. A summary of their report will be shared with community members in the October News & Views, on the LCA website and at our AGM on September 28. A big thank you to the 3 households that allowed this monitoring to take place on their properties!
  • The City of Calgary has confirmed that vehicle traffic counts will be taken on 58 Ave, 54 Ave and 37 St in September or October 2022. This will allow the LCA to understand how the traffic flow has changed in our neighbourhood with the addition of the 37 St SW traffic circle.
  • On May 17 from 7:30 to 10:00am, CPS Officer Richard Wall hosted a speed watch on 58 Ave and 37 St to determine how many vehicles were speeding along those roads. In the 58 Ave playground zone (by Connect Charter School) 190 vehicles passed by this location and 23 vehicles were speeding or 12% of the total vehicles. On 37 St (just south of 61 Ave), 40 vehicles passed by and 5 vehicles were speeding or 13% of the total vehicles. All of these 5 speeding vehicles were driven by Lakeview residents and one vehicle was clocked at 76 km/h! If a vehicle hits a pedestrian at 30 km/h, they have a 5% fatality rate, whereas if a vehicle hits a pedestrian at 70 km/h, they have a 95% fatality rate. For the safety of all Lakeview residents, please slow down!
  • One of the main concerns I hear about is Calgary Transit, school buses, garbage trucks and delivery vehicles speeding throughout Lakeview. I can say from conducting 4 speed watches with Officer Wall over the past 2 years, that we have not observed any of these vehicles to be exceeding the speed limit to warrant a speeding ticket. The confusion lies in that many residents assume that a loud vehicle is a speeding vehicle and that is usually not the case with trucks or buses. These vehicles lack the noise mitigation equipment that most cars and SUVs have to baffle their engine/exhaust noise and therefore you think that these vehicles are speeding due to this excessive noise when, more likely, they are not.
  • The traffic committee has a sandwich sign on loan from the City of Calgary that says ‘Residential Area – Drive Safely’. If you would like to have this sign for a one-week period to place outside your home, please send an email to [email protected].
  • Some clarifications on where vehicles are permitted and not permitted to do U-turns:
    • A U-turn is permitted at an intersection when it can be made safely and without impeding traffic.
    • A U-turn is not permitted at an intersection with a traffic signal, a no U-turn sign, on a curve or on any road between intersections.

If you have any traffic concerns or questions, please send an email to [email protected].

Stay safe this summer!

Safety Tips from the City of Calgary (from City of Calgary website)

Tips for Motorists

  • ​Stop for all pedestrians crossing in a crosswalk – it’s the law.
  • Ensure proper visibility of your vehicle.
  • Drive at a safe speed and be aware of pedestrian activity around you.
  • Never pass a vehicle at a crosswalk.
  • Wait until the pedestrian has completely cleared the intersection before proceeding.
  • Make eye contact.
  • When turning left at an intersection, check to your left to make sure there are no pedestrians.
  • Don’t park within five metres of a marked crosswalk or intersection.
  • When turning right, check both ways to ensure there are no pedestrians nearby.

Tips for Pedestrians

  • Ensure you are crossing the street safely.
  • Make eye contact with the driver of vehicles at or near the intersection before crossing
  • Use the Point, Pause and Proceed method to make motorists aware you are trying to cross the street.
  • Wear light-coloured clothing and reflective devices so you are visible to motorists.
  • Never cross the street at mid-block or against a signal.
  • Research indicates that children under the age of nine should always be accompanied by a responsible adult or older child.