The City of Calgary has let us know that they will begin bridge rehabilitation work starting in April:
As part of The City’s bridge rehabilitation program, we are rehabilitating the Crowchild bridge that runs over Glenmore Trail to improve the condition of the bridge and extend the structure’s service-life by approximately 30 years. This work will include general concrete repairs as well as improvements to active modes of transportation for pedestrians and cyclists by creating a multi-use pathway on one side of the bridge. We will also enhance crosswalk markings located at the north and south intersections of the bridge to help improve visibility and accessibility. Lastly, this project provides an opportunity to improve traffic signal placement through life-cycle work.
Construction is anticipated to start in April of 2023 with substantial completion later in Fall of 2023. During construction, there may be delays due to reduced and/or closed lanes. We will make every effort to limit impacts on traffic; however, commuters are advised to expect delays and use alternate routes when possible. It is anticipated that pedestrian and cyclist access will be maintained throughout construction.
Please feel free to review the project web page at for the most up to date information regarding the project, traffic impacts and a link to subscribe to receive newsletter updates.