St. Laurence Anglican Church
Contact: 403-242-8660, www.stlaurence.ca
5940 Lakeview Drive SW
Worship Service: Sunday morning at 10 am
Church school & nursery, youth & adult programs
Lakeview Baptist Church
Contact: 403-249-7359, www.lakeviewbc.ca
5336 Lakeview Drive SW
Worship Service: Sunday morning at 9:30 am
Nursery and Children’s programs
Lakeview United Church
Contact: 403-242-5760
3023 – 63 Avenue SW
Worship Service: Sunday morning at 10:00 am
Children and Youth Ministries, Kids Quest Program – Sunday School, Bible study groups, Scouts Canada programs, and more
Bethany Chapel
Contact: 403-249-8605, www.bethanychapel.com
3333 Richardson Way SW
Worship Service: Sunday morning 9:15 am – The Lord’s Supper Service, 10:45 – Worship Celebration Service
Nursery and Children’s programs
First Church of Nazarene
65 Richard Way SW
Worship Service: Saturday: conneXion service 6:30 pm, Oasis Coffee Bar 6 pm (contemporary service)
Sunday: Christian education for the whole family 9:30 am, Traditional Worship Service 10:45 am, Sudanese Worship Service: 1pm,
Wednesday: Children, Youth and Adult programs 6:30- 8:00 pm
Where can I purchase a membership?
You can purchase an individual, family, or non-resident membership from any one of the following locations:
Membership for
July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020